Distance Between Educational Institutions and Residential Areas
When there is a shortage of schools and universities to educate the populace, individuals are unable to acquire the essential skills required for high-level positions within the industrial sector. Lack of Schools and UniversitiesĪ leading factor contributing to the “not enough educated workers” problem is the inadequate presence of educational institutions within your city. Here are the primary reasons behind this issue: 1. The “not enough educated workers” problem in Cities Skylines can be attributed to several factors, and comprehending these root causes is essential for devising effective solutions. Causes of the “Not Enough Educated Workers” Issue in Cities Skylines Instead, you have an excess of individuals who are only capable of performing basic or unskilled tasks, impeding the expansion of your city’s industrial sector. As your city’s industrial sector advances and industries level up, there’s a deficiency of qualified workers to meet the growing demand.
News: The “not enough educated workers” error in Cities Skylines indicates a shortage of highly skilled individuals within your city who can carry out specialized jobs.
Meaning of “Not Enough Educated Workers” in Cities Skylines